• Support of shop establishment

    a: Provide professional support like market research, business analysis, store location, negotiation, contract signing, etc.
    b: Provide unified Weiye Aluminium Furniture logo and VI sign; provide all-round VI design for specialty stores.
    c: Provide full-set design plans for specialty stores; be responsible for the layout plan, decoration design, construction guidance and final acceptance.
    d: Be responsible for designing, ordering, installing and debugging samples for specialty stores.
    e: Be responsible for in-store visuals of specialty stores; there will be professional visual merchandiser displaying the store and creating atmosphere.
  • Support of training

    We will provide free training of operating management and professional knowledge to distributors to assist specialty stores in better operation.
    a: Operating management training of specialty stores: train the bosses and managers about regional market promotion and operating management to enable them to perform well in operation and management.
    b: Professional knowledge training: train the managers and salesmen about product quality, product performance, production technology, etc.; require evaluation and unscheduled normal training.
    c: Sales skill training: professionally train the managers and sales men about shopping guide procedure, shopping guide skills, product USP, communication skills, etiquette, etc.
    d: After-sales training: provide skill trainings like installation, maintenance, etc. for the workers who are responsible for after-sale service in specialty stores; provide training about standards and etiquette as well.
    e: Designers training: train the wardrobe designers about product measuring, designing, drawing as well as the usage of design software.
  • Support of operating management

    a: Provide management system of specialty stores including: organizational structure, position responsibilities, job contents, salary system, evaluation system, reward and punishment system, administration system, behavior standards, working procedures, etc.
    b: Provide standard management mode and daily sheets, forms as well as texts.
    c: Regularly organize management training, discussion and case analysis for related managers.
    d: Regularly organize related workers to take system training.
  • Support of opening promotion

    a: Appoint professional teams to be responsible for planning, organizing and carrying out opening activities to advance market impact rapidly.
    b: Provide plans of opening promotion for distributors, related copy and graphic designs and relevant materials and documents.
    c: Employ, train and organize franchise store workers to prepare for opening ceremony and promotion activities. Be responsible for advertisement promotion, ground-based promotion, organization and implement of local activities. Be responsible for organization and coordination of at the site of opening ceremony.
  • Support of brand promotion

    a: In accordance with the annual brand operation and market promotion plan of Weiye Aluminium Furniture, the brand will be advanced through national top media and trade journal.
    b: We’ll participate in top-level exhibitions to expand popularity and influence to provide market convenience for distributors.
    c: Both local and national promotion activities shall be planned and carried out every significant festival and anniversary. Relevant support and materials shall be offered as well.
    d: Provide advertisement allowance in accordance with the conditions of sales and market investment.
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